An email message internet header provides a list of technical details about the message, such as who sent it, the software used to compose it, and the email servers that it passed through on its way to the recipient. Most of the time, only an administrator will need to view internet headers for a message. If you want to add a header to your email message, see Apply stationery, backgrounds, or themes to email messages.
Outlook 2013 running on windows 7 64bit doesn't download the message body for html messages from a POP3 server. The same version of outlook 2013 running on win 7 32 bit works fine. The option to download header only is unchecked. Mar 23, 2016 - With a slow connection, you want Outlook to grab messages quickly. Either choose 'Download headers only' or get all email except those. Avoid downloading huge attachments and viruses automatically by making Outlook download only the headers if a message exceeds a certain size. Download Only the Headers for Large Messages in Outlook. (Beginning with Outlook 2013, downloading only headers is no longer available for IMAP and Exchange accounts.). Oct 31, 2018 - Dear Sir, I have gone through every setting of Outlook 2013, but i did not find the setting to download Headers ONLY for GMAIL IMAP. Actually, Outlook 2013 is. Getting around outlook 2013's innability to only download headers in IMAP - posted in Business Applications: So i have been doing some research ever since reluctantly upgrading to office 2013. Exchange and/or Outlook show header but message is blank. This actual message was blank on the Outlook client (PC) but the full message was viewable on the iPhone! Also, just to help, uncheck 'On Slow Connections Only Download Headers' 'Download Full Items' was already on, I disabled 'On slow connections.' But the problem remains.
View internet message headers
In Outlook for Office 365, 2016, 2013, or 2010 on a PC
Double-click an email message to open it outside of the Reading Pane.
Click File > Properties.
Header information appears in the Internet headers box.
Tip: You can highlight the information in that box, press Ctrl+C to copy, and paste it into Notepad or Word to see the entire header at once.
In Outlook 2007
Open an email message.
On the Message tab, in the Options group, click the Dialog Box Launcher .
In the Message Options dialog box, the headers appear in the Internet headers box.
Contents of email headers
Consider an email exchange between two people, Anton Kirilov and Kelly J. Weadock. Anton's email address is and Kelly's address is Kelly uses Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. The Internet header associated with Kelly's message to Anton looks as follows:
Microsoft Mail Internet Headers Version 2.0Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0);Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:39:22 -0800Received: from mail ([] RDNS failed) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.0);Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:38:49 -0800From: 'Kelly J. Weadock' <>To: <>Cc: <>Subject: Review of staff assignmentsDate: Wed, 12 Dec 2007 13:38:31 -0800MIME-Version: 1.0Content-Type: multipart/mixed;X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 12.0.4210X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.00.2800.1165Thread-Index: AcON3CInEwkfLOQsQGeK8VCv3M+ipAReturn-Path: kelly@litware.comMessage-ID: <>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 12 Dec 2007 21:38:50.0145 (UTC)
Note: The sample header might not contain all items found in your email headers. These are the most common entries.
When Kelly sends an email message to, she composes it from her computer, which is identified as ( The composed text is passed from her computer to the email server, This is the last that Kelly will see of her email message, because further processing is handled by email servers with no intervention from her. When Kelly's email server receives the message for, it contacts Proseware's email server and delivers the message to it. The message is stored on the server until Anton checks his Proseware email messages.
Interpreting email headers
The following is an explanation of the common email header fields.
This header is added by Outlook.
This information says that the message transfer occurred on Tuesday, December 12, 2017, at 13:39:22 (1:39:22 in the afternoon) Pacific Standard Time (which is 8 hours later than Coordinated Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time); thus the '–0800').
This message transfer occurred on Tuesday, December 12, 2017, at 13:38:49 (1:38:49 in the afternoon) Pacific Standard Time (which is 8 hours later than Coordinated Universal Time (UTC); thus the '–0800').

This message was sent by Kelly J. Weadock from the email address
This is the person to whom the email message is addressed.
These are the person or persons who receive carbon copies of the message.
Note: Recipients of blind carbon copies (Bcc) do not appear in the header.
This is the subject of the email message.
This indicates the date and time that the email message was sent, based upon the computer clock on the sender's computer.
This parameter specifies the version of the MIME protocol that was used by the sender.
This is an additional MIME header. It tells MIME-compliant email programs about the type of content to expect in the message.
This information indicates that the message was sent by using Microsoft Office Outlook with a build version of 12.0.4210.
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This entry indicates the email software (MIME OLE software) used by the sender.
This header is used to associate multiple messages with a similar thread. For example, in Outlook, the conversation view uses this information to find messages from the same conversation thread.
This entry specifies how to reach the message sender.
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The message has been assigned this number by for identification purposes. This ID will always be associated with the message.
This is a time stamp placed on the message when it first passes through a server running Microsoft Exchange.