Fsx Su 35 Download Torrent

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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN'http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd'><html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-type'><title></title><style type='text/css'> p.c2 {font-size: 120%} div.c1 {text-align: center}</style></head><body><div><h1>Sukhoi Su-33 And Su-37</h1><h3>By Aman Kumar (18 November 2002)</h3></div><a href='/images/reviews/su37/image1.jpg'><img src='/images/reviews/su37/image1t.jpg' width='250' height='200' border='0' align='right' alt='></a> <img src='/images/fsc/dropcaps/s2.gif' align='left' alt='S'>ukhoi began workon the Su-27 series in 1969, where the aircraft's main role was toreplace the MiG-21 as a multirole (though mainly air superiority)aircraft, and provide a worthy opponent to the then enemy'sflagstaff: the F-15 Eagle.<p>With the immense success of the Su-27 (NATO reporting name:'Flanker'), training, export and naval versions were soon on thedrawing board. Thus came the Su-27K, or Su-33, carrier-based strikefighter.</p><p>[Exit Prof. Karmazov]</p><h3>Sukhoi Su-33 (Or Su-27K) 'Flanker'</h3>What was immediately apparent when I first loaded up this machinein FS was that this is not one of those 30,000 kilogram-objects tobe taken lightly. <a href='/images/reviews/su37/image2.jpg'><img src='/images/reviews/su37/image2t.jpg' width='250' height='200' border='0' align='left' alt='></a> With the mean look of every post-Su-27aircraft - a look that suggests either (a) a menacing,hackles-raised look, or (b) habitual regurgitation - this hunk ofmetal, one of aircraft designer Peter Davies's repertoire, wasready to engage every auto-generated Piper Archer out there.<p>Having conveniently glossed over the installation aspect of thisadd-on (confusing, not least for those still struggling with theconcept of walking erect), I can now move on to how this aircraftlooks and feels. In a nutshell: fabulous. So, 'pooh' to brevitybeing the soul of wit, as I bring to you every facet of thiswonderful aeroplane.</p><p>The textures are Rembrandtesque, to say the least. The absenceof the ubiquitous Gmax-facilitated chrome effects is more thancompensated for by the lifelike wear and tear on the controlsurfaces and exhaust area: rust, stains, the works!</p><p><a href='/images/reviews/su37/image3.jpg'><img src='/images/reviews/su37/image3t.jpg' width='250' height='200' border='0' align='right' alt='></a> As for the control surfaces, well, Ican't really harp on how smoothly they move, and how realistic itlooks, for moving control surfaces are more or less a prerequisitethese days. However, there is one glaring oversight: stationarywheels! Yep, they don't move, you Gmax afficionados! Also, the hookdoes not move, unfortunately, though the popular <a href='/vbfs/fslib.php?do=search&amp;match=arrestor+cables+hogen'>Arrestor Cables</a> utility should make up for the loss.</p><p>To move on to the pilot's perspective, the sounds arephenomenal. More or less a shepherd's pie of sounds borrowed fromvarious developers, the engines shriek out the essence Sukhoi,MiG-21, and every other object capable of producing 25,000 poundsof hot air without logistical support from Pedro's Bean Burritos.One minor glitch: the engine startup sounds don't quite correspondto the actual startup process.</p><p><a href='/images/reviews/su37/image4.jpg'><img src='/images/reviews/su37/image4t.jpg' width='250' height='200' border='0' align='left' alt='></a> The plane, as expected, flies 'realawesome, dude!' With a thrust-to-weight ratio approaching 1:1, youcan expect an expeditious VR (210 knots), and liftoff (220 knots,with max fuel).</p><p>While the real-world Sukhoi airframe can handle G-loads wellbeyond my mother's average meatloaf (9+ Gs), FS will break it uplike tissue paper at 6 Gs, so it's recommended that you turn off'aircraft stress causes damage' and 'G-effects'. With thesesettings (at the risk of sounding like Richard Simmons), aerobaticsare fun-fun-fun! What I did notice, however, is that even a minutetwitch of the rudder will have you careening about all over theplace. Also, I was not quite able to attain the published 900ft/sec rate of climb, even with minimal fuel. That apart, the planestays true to the published maximum speeds, stall speeds, rollrates (~240 deg/sec!), etc.</p><p><a href='/images/reviews/su37/image5.jpg'><img src='/images/reviews/su37/image5t.jpg' width='250' height='200' border='0' align='right' alt='></a> While on the ground, things are notso good for the force-feedback sect of FSers: this plane is endowedwith carpal tunnel syndrome-inducing FF settings (which can,however, be changed via the aircraft.cfg). It also has a tendencyto start rolling with the parking brakes off, even at minimalthrust, which is so common a feature of FS fighters that it appearsto be a limitation of FS itself (surprise, surprise!).</p><p>A major flaw in this plane is that the (otherwise beautiful)afterburner effect kicks in when the engines are shutdown. Now,call me picky, but I'm getting sick of these lawsuits being servedto me by ground staff, on the grounds of third-degree burns.</p><p><a href='/images/reviews/su37/image7.jpg'><img src='/images/reviews/su37/image7t.jpg' width='250' height='200' border='0' align='left' alt='></a></p><h3>Sukhoi Su-37 'Super Flanker' (Or 'Terminator')</h3>Essentially a thrust-vectored version of the Su-27PU (Su-35)advanced tactical fighter, the Su-37 has evolved into one of themost formidable fighters today. Needless to say, Peter's FS replicadoes this monster more than justice.<p>Painted in a desert-camouflage sort of scheme (which, I feel, ispretty ugly), the 'Super Flanker' once more comes with superbtexturing, glass effects, etc.</p><p>As for the animation, the wheels do roll, and yes, the movingnozzles are reproduced to perfection. The complex control system(whereby we see elevons, flaperons, canards acting as elevators andmoving nozzles) seems <a href='/images/reviews/su37/image8.jpg'><img src='/images/reviews/su37/image8t.jpg' width='250' height='200' border='0' align='right' alt='></a> to work flawlessly, with theexception that the flaps, even when fully extended, move with thestick! I contacted Peter about this; he says that as far as he isaware, this is true to the real aircraft.</p><p>The sounds, however, are the one major disappointment. While theaircraft relies heavily on default sounds for the flaps, gear,touchdown and rollout effects, the few engine-related sound filesthat have been included are rather horrible, to say the least.Strangely enough, the same files (by AlphaSim) sound much betterwhen used in conjunction with other MiG-21 sound files (courtesySkysong Soundworks), as Peter has done with his Sukhoi 33. In the-37, however, static seems predominant, and the overall volume issotto voce, to say the least.</p><p>As for the flight performance, this is the one aircraft that hasoutperformed the -33! Much less sluggish, if such a thing ispossible, and much, much more responsive to every turn of the stickthan its predecessors, this plane is one helluva ride. The increasein manoeuvrability due to the thrust vectoring is well modelled.Also, the rudder seems much better received by this aircraft.</p><p><a href='/images/reviews/su37/image10.jpg'><img src='/images/reviews/su37/image10t.jpg' width='250' height='200'border='0' align='left' alt='></a> The curious discrepancy in theflight dynamics of the -37 is the super-effective airbrake.Travelling at 700+ knots at 1000' AGL over Jersey, U.K., I deployedthe airbrakes to be met with a near 100 knot/sec. deceleration!Thankfully, the Lyulkas kicked in just in time to stop Farmer Smithfrom achieving the approximate consistency and mobility of squidpâté.</p><p>The -37, curiously, affects FS's already abysmal performance alot more than did the -33 on my computer. In spot view, Iexperienced a near-2 FPS hit during the daytime.</p><p>Another glitch in this aircraft is that the lights are alwayson! It's only the strobes that are extinguishable; beyond that, I'mburning up plenty bulbs...</p><p><a href='/images/reviews/su37/image6.jpg'><img src='/images/reviews/su37/image6t.jpg' width='250' height='200' border='0' align='right' alt='></a></p><h3>Panel</h3>A review of these two wonderful aircraft would hardly be completewithout a mention of the panel both of them are coupled with. It'sthe hit FS2000 <a href='/vbfs/fslib.php?do=search&amp;match=sukhoi+panel+ritchie'>Sukhoi panel</a> made by Robin Ritchie, and is indeed a suitablesuitor (O, for a thesaurus!) to both planes. While the panel doesstruggle with FS2002 compatibility issues (3rd party gauge errormessages, an erratic engine startup procedure, temperamentalengines...), there is no FS2002 Sukhoi panel in existence, that Iknow of. I was unable to get in touch with the author to sort outthe issues I'm experiencing.<p>That said, it is a deliciously complex panel, made all the moreresilient to 'plug-and-play' by Robin's having put all warnings,messages and labels in Russian. RTFM, ladies and gentlemen.</p><p>Now, judging by the fact that Robin refers to MS as 'M$', andthe last line of the training manual he's written for this panelreads: 'Why are you still reading? Go Flying!!!', we know that he'sgot a good head on his shoulders and will be releasing an FS2002patch, post-haste. If he doesn't, we can always revoke his FirstClass Membership. Or shoot him.</p><p><a href='/images/reviews/su37/image9.jpg'><img src='/images/reviews/su37/image9t.jpg' width='250' height='200' border='0' align='right' alt='></a></p><h3>Summary</h3>Get both. Peter has also just released an S-37 (or Su-47 as it'snow know) 'Berkut' ('Golden Eagle). Get that one as well!<p>Aman Kumar<br><a href='mailto:[email protected]'>[email protected]</a></p><p><a href='/vbfs/fslib.php?do=search&amp;match=davies+su+27k'>Download</a> the Sukhoi Su-33 Flanker.</p><p><a href='/vbfs/fslib.php?do=search&amp;match=davies+terminator'>Download</a> the Sukhoi Su-37 Super Flanker.</p><p><a href='/vbfs/fslib.php?do=search&amp;match=davies+berkut'>Download</a> the Sukhoi Su-47 Berkut.</p></body></html>Fsx su 35 download torrent fullFsx su 35 download torrent download

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