I'm looking for a trial of Visio 2016 Standard. I'm certain that the standard version will fit my needs but I want to make sure before I buy. I prefer the locally installed version opposed to Office 365. Hi, For Visio Trial version, there is no locally installed version opposed to Office 365 version available for your download and install. Nov 1, 2017 - First, download the Microsoft Windows and Office ISO Download Tool. Official setup files for Microsoft Office 2007, 2010, 2011 (for Mac), 2013 and 2016. Of Windows 10 that you desire: Home/Pro, Single Language, Home China, etc. Even individual Microsoft Office apps like Visio, Project and so on. MS Visio 2016 x64 Free Download Overview and Screenshots Microsoft Visio 2016 is one of the best data organizing suites developed by Microsoft and working best in combination with other office programs of the same generation.
As an Office 365 subscriber, you regularly get new and improved Office features. Take a look below to see what's available to you today.
Latest updates for Visio

See what's new in the May update, Version 1905 (Build 11629.20196). Find your Office version
Switch seamlessly
The new account manager shows all of your Office 365 work and personal accounts in one place. Switching between them has never been easier.
Export Visio visuals from Power BI
Visio Visual for Power BI will now display properly when you export Power BI reports as PDFs, PowerPoint files, and more.
Double-take on data flowcharts
Gorgeous new layouts for Data Visualizer flowcharts are clean, crisp, and easy to understand. Click the Design tab for options.
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New Office 365 features are sometimes rolled out over a period of time to all subscribers.
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Latest updates for Visio
Insiders, you now have a web site dedicated to you. Go here to find out all the latest fixes and features that are available to you today.
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August 2018 updates
See what's new in the August 2018 feature update, Version 1808 (Build 10730.20088).
Enjoy an iconic moment in your next diagram
Pick from 26 new stencils with icons for analytics, arts, celebration, faces, sports, and more.
Build a Word document out of shapes
Automatically add shapes and metadata to a Word document. Then, customize the document to create process guidelines and operation manuals.
May 2018 updates
See what's new and improved in the May 2018 feature update, Version 1805 (Build 9330.2087).
Kick-start your diagrams
The Organization Chart, Brainstorming, and SDL templates have new starter diagrams to get you up and running quickly.
See what's new and improved in the March 2018 feature update, Version 1803 (Build 9126.2116).
Keep your Visio diagram and Excel data in sync
When you edit a Data Visualizer diagram, you can update the linked Excel data with the latest diagram content, and keep everything in sync.
Data Visualizer audit template
Import content from Excel and create audit diagrams for financial transactions, inventory management, and more.
Built-in database model diagrams
The new Database Model Diagram template accurately models your database as a Visio diagram. No add-in required.
More stencils for business diagrams
Using modern shapes, compare and contrast data with a Venn diagram, or draw Cycle, Matrix, or Pyramid diagrams to help tell your story.
To help with issues you might encounter when installing Office because of slow speeds or unreliable connections, as a first step download the Support and Recovery Assistant for Office 365 tool.
Offline installer manual steps
If the recovery tool didn't help, follow the steps below that are specific to your plan. You need to be connected to the internet to download this installer file, but once that's done, you can then install Office offline on a PC at your convenience.
The steps below differ if your Office product is part of an Office for home or Office for business plan so you need to select the correct tab for your product.
Click here to see what products are included in the home or business plans.
Tip: If you have Office Professional Plus through your company's subscription to the Home Use Program, see Office through the Home Use Program (HUP).
Office for home
If your Office product is one of the follow, you have an Office for home product. This can be an Office 365 subscription, or a one-time purchase of Office or individual Office application. These products are usually associated with a personal Microsoft account.
Office 365 subscriptions: The following products include the fully installed Office applications.
Office 365 Home
Office 365 Personal
Office 365 University
Office 2019, Office 2016, or Office 2013 versions available as one-time purchases: The following products include the fully installed Office applications.
Office Home & Student
Office Home & Business
Office Professional
Stand-alone Office 2019, 2016, or 2013 apps available as one-time purchases
Tip: *The desktop version of OneNote is only available 2016 and 2013 versions. Beginning with the release of Office 2019, OneNote for Windows 10 is the default OneNote experience for Office 365 and Office 2019 customers. See the FAQ.
Office for business
If your Office product is one of the following, you have an Office for business product. These products are usually associated with a work or school account, and your Office license (if your subscription has one) came from the organization where you work or go to school.
Office 365 Subscriptions: The following products include the fully installed Office applications.
Office 365 Business
Office 365 Business Premium
Office 365 A5
Office 365 ProPlus
Office 365 Enterprise E3
Office 365 Enterprise E4
Office 365 Enterprise E5
Office 365 Nonprofit Business Premium
Office 365 Nonprofit E3
Office 365 Nonprofit E5
Office 365 U.S. Government Community G3
Office 365 U.S. Government Community G5
Project Online Professional
Project Online Premium
Visio Online Plan 2
Office 365 Subscriptions without fully installed Office applications:
Tip: With these Office 365 subscriptions, there are no desktop applications to download and install, but in most cases you can still access and use online versions of Office apps in your web browser. Learn more Free Office Online apps.
Office 365 Business Essentials
Office 365 Enterprise E1
Office 365 A1
Office 365 Nonprofit Business Essentials
Office 365 Nonprofit E1
Office 365 U.S. Government G1
Project Online Essentials
Visio Online Plan 1
Volume license versions of Office 2019, Office 2016, or Office 2013
Office Professional Plus
Select your plan
Step 1. Download the offline installer from your account portal
To download the offline installer, go to www.office.com. If you're not already signed in with the Microsoft account associated with your copy of Office do that now. If you're signed in with a different account, sign out of that and then sign in again with the correct Microsoft account.
Note: If you're trying to install Office 365 that you got through your work or school and you already signed in with your work or school account, don't follow these instructions. Select the Office for business tab from above instead.
Select Install Office. If you have an Office 365 subscription, you'll also need to select Install Office > on the Installs page.
In the Download and install window, select Other options.
Check the box Download an offline installer and select the language you want to install Office in. Select Download.
When you're prompted, from the bottom of your browser window, select Save (in Edge), Open (in Internet Explorer), Open when done (in Chrome), or Save File (in Firefox). The file will begin downloading on your PC.
Once the download is complete, open File Explorer and locate a new virtual drive, for example (D:). This drive contains the Office installation files. If you don't see the new drive, locate the image file you downloaded and double-click it. The new drive should appear in your directory.
Note: If you already have a drive labeled (D:), Office creates a virtual drive with the next available letter, which would be (E:) (as shown in the next step below).
Save the image: You can also choose to save a copy of this virtual drive to a thumb drive or disc for later use.
Step 2. Install Office
Microsoft Visio Standard 2016 Iso Download Software
Select the Office folder from the virtual drive and then double-click either the Setup32.exe to install the 32-bit version of Office, or Setup64.exe to install the 64-bit version to begin the offline installation. If you're not sure which version is right for you, see Choose the 64-bit or 32-bit version of Office.
When you see the message, You're all set, you can access your Office applications.
After your Office installation is complete, you need to activate Office. Be sure you're connected to the Internet and then open any Office application, such as Word or Excel.
In most cases, Office is activated once you start an application and after you click Accept to agree to the License terms. If you need activation help, see Activate Office.
After activating Office and before you start using it, make sure you have the latest update.
In any Office app, for example Word, open a new or existing document, then select File, > Account.
From the Update Options drop-down list box, select Update Now.
If you have an Office 365 for business product you can use the Office Deployment Tool to download and install Office 365 offline. The tool is designed for enterprise environments and runs from the command line, so the steps are more complicated--but they'll still work for installation on a single device.
You must have an Office license assigned to you to install and activate Office. To check if you have one, see What Office 365 business product or license do I have?
Step 1 - Download and install the Office 2016 Deployment Tool
Create a folder on your hard drive and name it ODT. For this example, we'll create it on the c: drive, like so: c:ODT.
Download the Office 2016 Deployment Tool from the Microsoft Download Center. Select Save As and save it to your downloads folder.
In your downloads folder, double-click the Office 2016 Deployment Tool exe file to install it.
If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click Yes.
Accept the Microsoft Software License Terms, and then click Continue.
In the Browse for Folder dialog, select the ODT folder you created in earlier, and then click OK.
Step 2 - Download and install Office
The drop-down list below contains detailed steps that show how to download and install the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Office 365 ProPlus or Office Business.
If you have an Office 365 Business or Office 365 Business Premium plan, you need to download the Office Business version. For all other plans, download the Office 365 ProPlus version. See the following if you're not sure which version to install:
To find out which Office 365 plan you have, see What Office 365 business product or license do I have?
If you're not sure how to decide between 64-bit or 32-bit, see Choose between the 64-bit or 32-bit version of Office.
- Which version of Office do you want to install?
Step 1: Install the 32-bit version of Office ProPlus
Open Notepad on your computer.
Copy and paste the following into a blank text file in Notepad:
Note: The <Language ID> in the code above is for the English version 'en-us'. You need to change what's between those quotes if you want to download Office in a different language. If you're not sure what that is, use the URL for this topic to see your language ID, for example, 'support.office.com/<this is your language ID>/article'. In the text you just copied, replace 'en-us' in this line, <Language />.
Save the file as installOfficeProPlus32.xml in the ODT folder.
Click Start, type run, and then select the Run Desktop app to open it.
In the Run dialog, type the following exactly as shown below.
c:odtsetup.exe /download installOfficeProPlus32.xml
Click OK.
If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click Yes.
A blank dialog box appears with c:ODTsetup.exe in the title bar. The Office installation files should start downloading to the ODT folder on your computer.
It can take a while to finish downloading and it may look like nothing is happening while the files are downloading. You'll know the installation is complete once the dialog box closes on its own, and a new folder called Office appears in the ODT folder you created earlier.
After the files have finished downloading, open the Run dialog box again. This time type the following.
c:odtsetup.exe /configure installOfficeProPlus32.xml
Click OK.
If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click Yes.
The install should begin.
Visio Pro 2016 Iso
Step 2: Activate and update Office
After your Office installation is complete, you need to activate Office. Be sure you're connected to the Internet and then open any Office application, such as Word or Excel.
Next, open an existing document or create a new document and select File > Account. Office should automatically activate.
After you activate Office and before you start using it, make sure you have the latest updates. In the same document, select Update Options and in the drop-down list box, select Update Now.
If nothing happens, close the application and repeat steps 2 and 3 to update Office from the Account page.
Leave us a comment
Were these steps helpful? If so, please let us know at the bottom of this topic. If they weren't, and you're still having trouble installing Office, tell us what you were trying to do and where you had difficulties. We'll use your feedback to double-check our steps and provide additional information.
Step 1: Install the 64-bit version of Office ProPlus
Open Notepad on your computer.
Copy and paste the following into a blank text file in Notepad:
Note: The <Language ID> in the code above is for the English version 'en-us'. You need to change what's between those quotes if you want to download Office in a different language. If you're not sure what that is, use the URL for this topic to see your language ID, for example, 'support.office.com/<this is your language ID>/article'. In the text you just copied, replace 'en-us' in this line, <Language />.
Save the file as installOfficeProPlus64.xml in the ODT folder.
Click Start, type run, and then select the Run Desktop app to open it.
In the Run dialog, type the following exactly as shown below.
c:odtsetup.exe /download installOfficeProPlus64.xml
Click OK.
If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click Yes.
A blank dialog box appears with c:ODTsetup.exe in the title bar. The Office installation files should start downloading to the ODT folder on your computer.
It can take a while to finish downloading and it may look like nothing is happening while the files are downloading. You'll know the installation is complete once the dialog box closes on its own, and a new folder called Office appears in the ODT folder you created earlier.
After the files have finished downloading, open the Run dialog box again. This time type the following.
c:odtsetup.exe /configure installOfficeProPlus64.xml
Click OK.
If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click Yes.
The install should begin.
Step 2: Activate and update Office
After your Office installation is complete, you need to activate Office. Be sure you're connected to the Internet and then open any Office application, such as Word or Excel.
Next, open an existing document or create a new document and select File > Account. Office should automatically activate.
After you activate Office and before you start using it, make sure you have the latest updates. In the same document, select Update Options and in the drop-down list box, select Update Now.
If nothing happens, close the application and repeat steps 2 and 3 to update Office from the Account page.
Leave us a comment
Were these steps helpful? If so, please let us know at the bottom of this topic. If they weren't, and you're still having trouble installing Office, tell us what you were trying to do and where you had difficulties. We'll use your feedback to double-check our steps and provide additional information.
Step 1: Install the 32-bit version of Office Business
Open Notepad on your computer.
Copy and paste the following into a blank text file in Notepad:
Note: The <Language ID> in the code above is for the English version 'en-us'. You need to change what's between those quotes if you want to download Office in a different language. If you're not sure what that is, use the URL for this topic to see your language ID, for example, 'support.office.com/<this is your language ID>/article'. In the text you just copied, replace 'en-us' in this line, <Language />.
Save the file as installOfficeBusRet32.xml in the ODT folder.
Click Start, type run, and then select the Run Desktop app to open it.
In the Run dialog, type the following exactly as shown below.
c:odtsetup.exe /download installOfficeBusRet32.xml
Click OK.
If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click OK.
A blank dialog box appears with c:ODTsetup.exe in the title bar. The Office installation files should start downloading to the ODT folder on your computer.
It can take a while to finish downloading and it may look like nothing is happening while the files are downloading. You'll know the installation is complete once the dialog box closes on its own, and a new folder called Office appears in the ODT folder you created earlier.
After the files have finished downloading, open the Run dialog box again. This time type the following.
c:odtsetup.exe /configure installOfficeBusRet32.xml
Click OK.
If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click OK.
The install should begin.
Step 2: Activate and update Office
After your Office installation is complete, you need to activate Office. Be sure you're connected to the Internet and then open any Office application, such as Word or Excel.
Next, open an existing document or create a new document and select File > Account. Office should automatically activate.
After you activate Office and before you start using it, make sure you have the latest updates. In the same document, select Update Options and in the drop-down list box, select Update Now.
If nothing happens, close the application and repeat steps 2 and 3 to update Office from the Account page.
Free Microsoft Visio 2016 Download
Leave us a comment
Were these steps helpful? If so, please let us know at the bottom of this topic. If they weren't, and you're still having trouble installing Office, tell us what you were trying to do and where you had difficulties. We'll use your feedback to double-check our steps and provide additional information.
Step 1: Install the 64-bit version of Office Business
Open Notepad on your computer.
Copy and paste the following into a blank text file in Notepad:
Note: The <Language ID> in the code above is for the English version 'en-us'. You need to change what's between those quotes if you want to download Office in a different language. If you're not sure what that is, use the URL for this topic to see your language ID, for example, 'support.office.com/<this is your language ID>/article'. In the text you just copied, replace 'en-us' in this line, <Language />.
Save the file as installOfficeBusRet64.xml in the ODT folder.
Click Start, type run, and then select the Run Desktop app to open it.
In the Run dialog, type the following exactly as shown below.
c:odtsetup.exe /download installOfficeBusRet64.xml
Click OK.
If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click Yes.
A blank dialog box appears with c:ODTsetup.exe in the title bar. The Office installation files should start downloading to the ODT folder on your computer.
It can take a while to finish downloading and it may look like nothing is happening while the files are downloading. You'll know the installation is complete once the dialog box closes on its own, and a new folder called Office appears in the ODT folder you created earlier.
After the files have finished downloading, open the Run dialog box again. This time type the following.
c:odtsetup.exe /configure installOfficeBusRet64.xml
Click OK.
If you see the User Account Control prompt that says, Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?, click Yes.
The install should begin.
Step 2: Activate and update Office
After your Office installation is complete, you need to activate Office. Be sure you're connected to the Internet and then open any Office application, such as Word or Excel.
Next, open an existing document or create a new document and select File > Account. Office should automatically activate.
After you activate Office and before you start using it, make sure you have the latest updates. In the same document, select Update Options and in the drop-down list box, select Update Now.
If nothing happens, close the application and repeat steps 2 and 3 to update Office from the Account page.
Leave us a comment
Were these steps helpful? If so, please let us know at the bottom of this topic. If they weren't, and you're still having trouble installing Office, tell us what you were trying to do and where you had difficulties. We'll use your feedback to double-check our steps and provide additional information.