Pkcs 12 Certificate Android Download

Jun 19, 2015 - The PKCS#12 or PFX format is a binary format for storing the server certificate, any intermediate certificates, and the private key into a single. Digital certificates identify computers, phones, and apps for security. Just like you'd use. Android version. Some of these steps work only on Android 9 and up. Android devices support secure certificates in PKCS #12 format. Secure certificate files that conform to this standard often use the.p12 or.pfx file extension.

  • The certificate can be used to verify that a public key belongs to an individual. This is a PKCS #12 file. So in order to make our certificates work on android we need to convert them to.pfx format. Follow these steps to convert.cer certificate (you just downloaded and installed) to.pfx 1. On your machine, click Start button and click Run 2.
  • Certificate pkcs#12 pfx free download. Xca X Certificate and Key management is an interface for managing asymetric keys like RSA or DSA.
  • You can export certificates from the FortiVoice unit to a PKCS #12 file for secure download and import to another platform, or for backup purposes.

I'm currently developing an Android app that generates an RSA key pair, builds and sends an PKCS#10 certification request to one CA, waits for the CA's response (which contains the certificate-chain including the issued for the end-entity), and then builds the PKCS#12 KeyStore to be installed within the Android KeyStore.

I just show you below some piece of code:

Pkcs#12 certificate android download

The thing is that everything is working OK when I run it on my Windows PC (BouncyCastle 1.49), but that PKCS#12 file created when I run it on Android cannot be used on SSL handshake or signing because Logcat says that it doesn't have any associated PrivateKey.

Install Client Certificate Android

If I print the full content of the KeyStore on Java after loading the file, it seems that everything is right, but when I use on Android Browser or when I take it and install on Windows, its private key can't be used.

Same code on Android and PC, same version of BC, PKCS#12 doesn't seem to be malformed.

Can anybody help me?Thanks in advance.


I have built a servlet that generates an RSA Key Pair and sends back to my app in PEM format.All seems work OK:

  • I can generate a valid (encrypting with public and decrypting test works good) RSA keypair either on Android device or through the external servlet.
  • I receive both CA and EE certificates from the CA.
  • I'm able to build a 'valid' PKCS12 (I called it valid because it can be read by Android, Windows)


  • I'm not able to open an SSL channel using the EE certificate as client-certificate for handshake. Either on Windows or Android.

I have uploaded to my Dropbox:

Tested against Tomcat with empty trustStore (doesnt' matter which CA issued client-certificate) unsuccessfully.

Does anybody see something that could explain it?

Android Certificate Installer App


Browse other questions tagged androidbouncycastlekeystorepfxandroid-keystore or ask your own question.

(For Chilkat C/C++ Android native libs, click HERE.)

Download and Unzip to any directory.

To use Chilkat in an Android project, the Java classes and shared libraries should be copied into the project's directory structure.

The Chilkat Android download ( has this directory structure.
Note: Starting in v9.5.0.76, the armeabi, mips, and mips64 libs are no longer included.

The directories under libs (in the Chilkat download) will be copied to the jniLibs directory in the Android Studio project. (You'll likely need to create the jniLibs directory.) The chilkatsoft directory will be copied to the com directory in the Android Studio project.

Install Certificates On Android Phone

Here is a snapshot of the sample Android Studio project showing the locations of the jniLibs and chilkatsoft directories.

Here is a snapshot of the Android Studio directory structure in Windows Explorer

The Chilkat-related code is shown in boldface below. The Chilkat shared library must be loaded via System.loadLibrary when the application starts.

The procedure is the same for Eclipse, except the location and names of the directories are different. The Eclipse directory for the native libraries is libs instead of jniLibs
Note: Starting in v9.5.0.76, the armeabi, mips, and mips64 libs are no longer included.

After copying the libs and Java sources to the correct locations, your Eclipse project should look like this:

Additional Notes

Wifi Certificates For Android

  • The Chilkat Android library supports Android Platform 2.0 (API Level 5) and above.
  • If the incorrect library name is passed to System.loadLibrary, then you will see the following error message at application startup: 'The application <your-application-name> has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.'