Will Steam Download Game While Playing A Game

What do you do while downloading games? Hey guys, I saw on other forum this thread and was curious to see your opinions. Or if not that, I just play some other game to pass the time (you can alt-tab and click resume download if Steam auto pauses it for you). Comment has been collapsed.

  1. Steam Download While Playing
  2. Will Steam Download Game While Playing A Game Of The Day
  3. Will Steam Download Game While Playing A Game Of All Time
Will steam download game while playing a game of death
I was wondering, is it bad to download a game and playing a game at same time? I ask this in terms of usage of HDD, I have a nearly 3 years old Seagate Harddisk and it works really good even its age, I have zero bad sectors as Speecy shows, playing all my games on this disk, just my Windows runs on SSD. I mean, does a game can use my harddisk while playing a game? I'm downloading GTA V since last night since its a HUGE 61GB to download, I left my Computer open at night, and still downloading. I can see the Disk usage(for downloading game) on steam library, its around 900KB-2,5MB and always stays in that rate
so in short words, whats the common sense in this topic? its normal to play a game while PC downloads a game?
thanks in advance
and a good day

Steam will allow only one at a time. If you launch a game from steam while it is downloading it will pause the download and free the network for the game. When you end the game the download will continue. This is how steam works for me anyway. How to download soundtracks on Steam without downloading the whole game xPaw on September 26, 2014 As you might already know, Valve generously released soundtracks for their games completely free of charge. Luckily, you can force Steam to download games while you play. Just fire up the game you want to play, then follow these steps: Press Alt-Tab to get back to the desktop, then pull up the Steam window. The tittle is my question:3. Make sure you set a bandwidth limit on the download if you plan to play online games while downloading. May 10, 2011  Best Answer: You should be able to do both because ur not using bandwidth to play the game and download. If u were playing a steam game and trying to download a game.

Posted by2 years ago

Steam Download While Playing


Playing a game while installing another

Will Steam Download Game While Playing A Game Of The Day

I install my new Steam games whenever I'm going to be spending a lot of time on my computer in one session. A lot of the time when I spend an extended time on my computer it's while gaming. I've noticed that if I'm installing a game and I try to play another game at the same time, Steam pauses installing the game. If there are any Valve employees reading this it would be awesome if y'all fixed this in a future Steam update ;). It's not a huge deal just a little something that i think would make the game installing process a lot more convenient.

Will Steam Download Game While Playing A Game

Will Steam Download Game While Playing A Game Of All Time

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