Google Drive Download Multiple Files

  1. Download Multiple Files From Google Drive
  2. Google Drive Download For Windows 10
  3. Bulk Download From Google Drive

I quite often download multiple files from Google Drive at the same time. However, when I do this, it seems to force me to bundle them in a one .zip file, and download them together, which means I then have to unzip them. It's a minor inconvenience, but something I do many times a day. Is there any way to multi-select files and then download them individually?

Using the official Google Drive app, find the files you want to download simultaneously. Find the first file, select and hold for about 2 seconds (long press) and a blue circle with checkmark will appear inside the icon for that file. How to download multiple files from Google Drive? Google Drive is a virtual file-sharing service from Google that lets users upload, share and access their files from anywhere.

I realise Google are somewhat hamstrung by browser features here - perhaps there is a browser plugin that could help (I primarily use Safari, but Chrome/Firefox could also be interesting options).

Andrew FerrierAndrew Ferrier

3 Answers

This is not doable because of the browser's restrictions since you can't download multiple files in one request and that's why Google (and many other services) is packing multiple files in one zip. I'm not sure if there is any plug-in (I doubt since it's very specific), but what you can do is to install the Google Drive on your computer and all of your files will be always synced, so there is no need to download.


Just had the same problem, except it was a shared folder sent to me that didn't even show the download all button or have the ability to save more than one file (in this case images) at once.

Just found Download Master, a plugin for Chrome, worked a charm—it scans the page for links and lets you filter by file type, it doesn't compress for downloads, so it downloads each file individually.


Download Multiple Files From Google Drive

Google Drive web version does not support this. It always tries to return you 1 zip file.

But it is easy to make a JavaScript snippet which triggers the downloads separately.

Select your files, open the developer console, paste and run the above 8 lines.

This is always much faster and simpler as Google allocates much less resource for file compression than file transfer. If you use it frequently, you may further turn it into a button by building a simple browser plugin.

Google Drive Download For Windows 10


Bulk Download From Google Drive

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